Millionaires are currently favoring a shared luxury mini cruise experience over the traditional trend of buying yachts.

Generated with AI When financial stability is not a concern, the possibilities for leisure and vacation become virtually limitless. Even for those classified as "vacation millionaires," there is a desire to share "unconventional vacations" with other high-net-worth individuals. One of the recent vacation trends among this elite group involves participating in a luxury mini cruise alongside others who have grown weary of the standard accommodations offered by establishments like the Four Seasons and Ritz-Carlton. According to Jonny Dodge, co-founder and CEO of MY Ocean, speaking to Forbes, the progression toward community superyacht holidays represents the logical evolution in travel. He states, "We are on the cusp of a new era of travel due to the shifting landscape of wealth and family demographics, where UHNW group ride-sharing is poised to become the travel method of the future." This shared luxury mini cruise concept is not limited to a single project....